This page was created to show you how it is possible to manipulate images on your computer. The process is basically scanning two photographs onto the computer, superimpose the two using cut and paste tools in an image editing program and then blending and retouching around the edges to make them look as one picture and not stuck on. I use PhotoFinish 3.0 for my images. Take a look and see by reading about how they were made and clicking on the red title to see the final image and clicking on "The Constituent Images" to see the two images before merging!


Dependence Day

This image consists of two images, one is the video cover of the film "Independence Day" and the other is a photograph looking out of my bedroom window at my old house. Usinf PhotoFinish 3.0 and 2 years experience at the art of photo-retouching, I merged and blended the two so that it appears that the aliens have blown up my neighbours house! This image took about 3 days to complete, it was a big project believe me!

The Constituent images


This image consists of the same photograph as in Dependence Day but lightened slightly and two scanned images of some aeroplanes. I then added and drew in the gunfire. For the explosions I copied and pasted small parts of the fire in the Dependence Day picture and added them to this image. This image took about 15 minutes to complete. It appears that two aeroplanes are fighting to the death over my house!

The Constituent images

Rock Climb

This image was a simple on that consists of a scanned photograph I took of a rockface in Ross-On-Wye where I live and I posed in the rock climbing position beforehand. I merged the two using copy, cut and paste, blended them together and it appears I am climbing a big rockface without any safety equipment! This image took about 10 minutes to complete.

The Constituent images

Sky Dive

This image again did not take long to do, about 10 minutes and consists of a photograph of the roof of my house and one of the aeroplanes featured in the Aeroshot image. They were simply merged and blended with motion blur added to me to give the effect of falling and it appears I am sky diving without a parachute!

The Constituent images

Atomic Holiday

This image is a photograph taken of me on the beach on holiday in spain a few years back, darkened to give the effect of night and has a scanned photograph of an atomic bomb exploding merged into it. The effect is quite good. This image took me about a day to complete due to the darkening process.

The Constituent images

Tornado Street

This image consists of a photograph taken of an old folks residents from my parents bedroom window in my old house and a scanned photograph of a tornado. The two again were merged in the same way to give the effect of a tornado ripping through the field outside my house. This image took about 2 days to complete.

The Constituent images

Jaws Returns

This image was one of the simplest yet and only took about 10 minutes from start to finish. I simply cut out a picture of Jaws from the video cover and pasted it onto the picture of me on holiday.

The Constituent images