This page is devoted to making you, the innocent public aware of the terrifying things that happen all around you from ghostly hauntings to UFO sightings. The tales that follow will hopefully make you think a bit before you decide for yourself, what lies on the dark side.It is a big page due to lots of photographs, please take time to study closely.


The picture above is of a husband in his car taken by his daughter. A week previous to the photograph the husbands wife had died. When the print was developed, a ghostly figure of a woman could clearly be seen sitting in the back seat. Experts could not find any signs of tampering. Tampering with photographs in those days was near impossible due to lack of technology. If you look closely you can see the old woman's scarf overlaps the doorframe slightly.

The picture above is of an old staircase at Rynham Hall in Norfolk. Legend says that a sister of Sir Robert Walpole (one of England's Prime Ministers then) called Dorothy Walpole went to Paris and lived a reckless life and fell in love. On returning home her husband heard of her escapades and confined her to her room, soon she was dead. Now her ghost can be seen wandering up the old staircase. This photograph was taken by two ghosthunters back in 1936.


Poltergeist activity has fascinated experts for years. Poltergeists are invisible ghosts that move things around and stuff. The photograph above taken in a house at Dodleston in Cheshire in May 1985 shows a poltergeist throwing objects around a room. Some poltergeists are menacing whilst others can be very playful.

A good but very frightening example of poltergeist activity happened to the Smith family (pictured above) back in the early evening of may 17, 1955. Bangings on the walls and windows caused the family to go outside to see what was happening but as soon as they did this it stopped and all they could find on the ground were large, wedge shaped stones (pictured above). As soon as they got inside it started again. The stone bombardments got worse and this went on for about a year until it suddenly stopped. The family were never the same again.


These two photographs are separate. The left was taken over Namur in Belgium on 5 June 1955 and the right picture was taken on Route 32A near Petersham, Massachusetts in October 1974. It is up to you to make your own mind up, but to create such a clever fake back in 1955 when the technology was not around in the home, I don't think so!


As disgusting as it may seem, this is a genuine photograph collection of a miracle healer in action, pictured above removing an appendix with his bare hands. How this is done we do not now and it is not likely to be revealed but the evidence is pictured here above to make you think.